HSE #7 Poverty Day

Publié le par Tiphaine

If you don't understand why there are so many poor people in a country so rich,
If you are outraged with the poor countries'debt increasing day after day,
If you are wondering why fair trade is not a priority,
If you think unacceptable that 50.000 people die in extreme poverty conditions every day,
If our voices were together, surely, our governments would listen to us...

(ce clip est de l'Association Quebecoise des Organisames de Cooperation internationale mais près de chez vous, vous pouvez vous engagez... -
This video is from the Quebec association for International cooperation organisations, but you can be involved near your home too)

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<br /> Pas là depuis dimanche ????<br /> :-D ????<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> This is a great post and love the video!<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> pas facile de regarder les choses en face, parfois...<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Merci pour cette petit piqure de rappel, j'espère que tu vas bien :)<br /> <br /> <br />